
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Book Update

Having been very busy with writing my book recently, I haven't done much in the way of putting much on my own blog, or commenting on others. I have been lurking though and reading many blogs, just not commenting.

That will remain the case for a while, while I press on with getting the book finished. I have now written 24 out of 33 of its chapters, so good progress has been made.

I am sorting and editing the photos that will be included in the book as I go, and my Cousins partner, Helen, has been editing my words on a chapter-by-chapter basis.

I hope to finish writing by the end of April, with the final editing and book layout completed by say June, printing done in say August, making the book available from about 1st October.  That’s the target, anyway!

I haven't forgotten my promise for those that commented on my blog before or during my tour of America!

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